Start a Club

Are you passionate about the value of public speaking skills?

Do you have the desire to inspire children to excellence in their communication and leadership?

If you answered yes to these questions, read on . . . 

Subscribe today for an extensive turnkey public speaking program with training videos, and more, or purchase club supplies separately.

Public speaking is best learned by doing, and our club format gives members a chance to develop and improve their skills at every meeting.

There are four levels in Speakers League, and three in Junior Speakers League, to accommodate the skills development in the members.

With a Club Package subscription, you and your club members will have access to handbook discounts, certain downloadable forms and other resources, and online training videos and quizzes where members will learn the skills of public speaking and the club procedures, getting excited about their progress as they earn badges and certificates. Member progress is fully visible to the Club Chairperson (that’s you, the adult supervisor of the club). This makes onboarding new members a snap, saving you time and setting the stage for smooth, well-run meetings.


Kyle and club chairperson

Making your job as “Club Chairperson” easy!

We refer to the adult supervisor of the club as the “Chairperson.” Though ensuring the meetings are run efficiently and professionally always rests with you, the ultimate goal for the Chairperson is to have as little input on the meeting as possible, with the members running it from beginning to end with only light supervision from you.

At the beginning, and until club officers are elected (generally, about four to five meetings into the club) you will manage the opening and closing of the meeting.

After that, the Chairperson’s chief responsibility is to maintain proper meeting etiquette. The goal is for members to elevate their behavior to that of a business meeting, balancing enjoyment with seriousness. We often tell members that it is their goal to behave as they expect a parent would behave in a meeting. You will want to review the training video or meeting handbook section on etiquette with your members. Reminders during meetings are sometimes necessary.

Many Club Chairpersons choose to complete speech evaluations (downloadable form available), and most Chairpersons video-record and upload the speeches for members to self-evaluate, as well.

We have a private Facebook page for current and former Club Package Subscribers and we also offer weekly Zoom get-togethers to provide subscribers a place to ask questions live and share ideas with other Subscribers/Chairpersons.

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